Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Drake's first doctors appointment....

Kera's profileKera's profile w/ legs
Drake's profile

Kera is still a girl!!

Drake is still a boy!!
So today, we had to take Drake to the specialist to check on his kidneys. We had another level two ultrasound. Drake is so handsome! I really can't wait to see him in person. His kidneys were normal. There was fluid in his bladder which told the specialist that his kidneys were working. The tissue around his kidneys looked good too. They said that they will still keep looking, because you get ultrasounds a lot with twins anyways. They looked at both of the babies hearts, and they are beautiful, and those aren't my biased opinions, those are the words from the doctor and the tech :). They also checked for markers of down syndrome, they both have the bone in the nose and the fifth digit has three bones, if it only had two, that would be a marker of downs. They checked for spinabifida, their spines are perfect. They measured their arm bones, and their leg bones, perfect. Their brains, are perfect. They did a measurement of Drake's foot :) It's already an inch long! He has perfect little feet! I can't wait to kiss them! They checked the sex of the babies again, definitely a boy and a girl! :) I will have another level 2 ultrasound in four weeks to check the heart again. They didn't see anything wrong with the heart today, but they always take a detailed look at the heart at 24 weeks. Oh and they said that the placentas are both in a good location, and both of the umbilical cords look fabulous! The doctor said Dane and I make pretty babies :D! He did give us some bad news. I have to lower my sweet and carb intake, because if I don't, I will have a high possibility of developing gestational diabetes. I'll do anything for these babies, although the cookies are giving me an evil eye. Well we got some more pictures, I'll post them. A few in this post and a few in another one.


Unknown said...

Good, I knew everything would be perfect! Yay!

They're gorgeous, I can't wait to see them in person, either!

Vicki said...

Kera will be beating up her brother! You will have so much fun with these two! Love you, Mommy